Friday 25 October 2013

Spaghetti With Bolognese Sauce(Italian with Rani's Magic)

Ingredients for the sauce:

 Beef / chicken - 300 g (minced)
olive oil/any veg oil -  2 tbs
Dried oregano - 1 tea spoon
Dried basil leaves - 1 tea spoon
Ground thyme - 1 tea spoon
red chili powder - 1 tbs
black pepper powder - 1 1/2 tbs
all spice powder - a pinch
Carrots - 2 medium size(diced finely)
celery - 1 rib(diced finely)
capsicum( red /yellow/green) - 1 medium size ( diced finely)
garlic - 6 cloves(chopped finely)
 large onions  - 2 medium size( chopped finely )
Tomato - 3 medium size (chopped finely)
tomato puree - boil 4 tomatoes and blend it
grated cheese - 2 tbs for serving(optional)
water - 2 cup
Salt - as your taste
Heat the oil into a sizable sauce pan over a medium heat. Fry the chopped onions and garlics .Add minced meat and all the spices. Fry until the meat is brown. Add chopped tomatoes and stir well. After that put the remaining vegetables and stir continuously and add tomato puree and stir again. Finally add water and salt to taste. Cover the pan with a lid.Cook it for 20-30 minutes in a medium heat.Then remove the lid and cook the sauce until gravy form. Turn off the heat.Thereby the spicy bolognese sauce is ready. You can serve it with cooked spaghetti noodles/pasta with grated cheese.
How to make spaghetti noodles/pasta?
spaghetti noodles/pasta - 500 g (serving per package 5-6 people)
Water - 4 liters( 500 g of pasta usually needs 4 liters of water)
salt - 2 table spoons
Oil - 2 table spoons( adding oil to the boiling water prevents the pasta from sticking)
Heat a large pot with water(you need a large pot with enough space so that pasta will not stick together).When the water is boiled add oil and salt.Then add pasta in the boiling water.No need to cover the pot or else water might over flow.Cook it for 9-10 minutes .To check if pasta is cooked, take and cut a piece of pasta to see if it is cooked in the inside, if not cooked then let it cook for 1-5 minutes.Then drain the pasta and shock them in cold water.Remember, the heat in the heap will continue cooking the noodles to a soggy bunch. When the noodles is ready, you could serve it with bolognese sauce.
Bon Appetit...enjoy!!!!

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